Making a will may not be an attractive prospect, but adequate provision for your family and dependants after your death is essential to ensure that your wishes to provide for your beneficiaries can be carried out. Our solicitors have extensive experience in assisting clients to consider the issues that arise and ensure that your will fully meets your needs. We can also assist in the preparation of narrative statements where there is a risk of a dispute occurring after your death.
Inheritance Tax
Advice on management and disposition of your assets on death so as to obtain the most favourable circumstances.
Lasting Powers of Attorney
In the age of increased data protection dealing with someone else’s affairs can prove very difficult unless you are authorised to do so. A Lasting power of attorney can be invaluable to allow you to assist when someone cannot. We can discuss with you the most appropriate attorney to meet your needs. We will assist you through the drafting of the documentation, execution and registration with the Office of the Public Guardian.
Court of Protection
A loss of capacity can prove a very difficult time for the individual and those close to them. You are often found in an unenviable position whereby you cannot deal with someone else’s affairs and they are no longer able to do so themselves. We are able to assist you in obtaining medical evidence, presenting an application to the court and advising you on your legal obligations.